Monday 27 February 2017

The Most Common Dental Problems And How They Are Caused

As a recent telling report states, people still die from their teeth in the USA!
As per American Dental Association, Emergency Room (ER) for dental issues has doubled from the previous record of 1.1 million to about 2.2 million in 2012, which is about 1 visit in every 15 seconds.
So what are the Top 4 common dental problems, how are they caused and how can you fix them? 

Top 1s: Unaligned Teeth
The era of suffering with uncomfortable teeth braces is long gone. 
Today, good Invisalign dentist can fit you up with a custom – made series of aligners which are smooth, comfortable, made of invisible plastic and you can therefore straighten out your teeth without having visible braces announce to the whole world that you are doing it!
Top 2: Lost teeth
If you have lost your tooth / teeth due to gum infections (Periodontitis) , illness, injury, accidents or other causes, then you are a prime candidate for implant dentist fremont ca where an artificial tooth root is placed on your jaw either on the bone or in the bone to hold a replacement tooth or bridge.
Top 3: Damaged Teeth
Cavities or injuries to a tooth can lead it to crack and infect the inside of the tooth; this infection further damages the pulp of the tooth which is the network of blood vessels and nerves inside. With Endodontic dental treatment, the tooth can be saved by a process called Root Canal Therapy. As a part of this treatment, the tooth is opened, the damaged pulp removed, cleaned, shaped, before filling and sealing the tooth.
Top 4: Crooked Smile

Would you flash you smile easily if your teeth were crooked?  Perhaps not. With orthodontist fremont ca you can , as it straightens or moves teeth thereby improving both the appearance of the teeth and how they work.
Call or visit East Bay Dental Services Today and let dental experts help you in resolve each of the above issues!

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