Thursday 4 May 2017

Set your smiles straight with Invisalign

What’s the first thing anyone does when they meet another person? They smile! The face is the index of the mind and the smile is the identity of the face. That’s the first action that makes you love a person. But, a lot of us are extremely self-conscious due to dental issues. Isn’t it sad that just a couple of issues with the teeth can shatter a person’s confidence? It is never late to learn about the state of the art orthodontic braces treatment. It is also vital to understand that “cosmetic” problems can become real problems over course of time that can jeopardize dental health and hygiene. More and more adults are now undergoing the treatment to

  •          Correct problems with their teeth
  •          Avoid premature wear and tear of gums and enamel
  •         Avoid gum disease
  •          Avoid advanced tooth decay
  •         Avoid Teeth crowding
  •          Avoid crooked teeth
  •         Correct gaps between teeth
What you need to know about Invisalign

When you visit your Invisalign dentist to perfect your smile by undergoing a minor treatment, he’ll tell you that it is the most sought after treatment for adults in the current situation due to its effectiveness. Invisalign is a set of aligners that perform the same function as a brace. They can correct any orthodontic imperfections irrespective of the age of the patient. All dental issues including too much gap between teeth, crooked teeth, the overcrowded mouth can be corrected by your Invisalign dentist without putting you through any meticulous procedure.

How long does the treatment take?

The duration of the treatment depends on the patient and their dental condition. In general, the treatment takes up to 1 year. The Invisalign is to be worn for 22 hours per day and should be removed during eating.

How different is it from the traditional brace?

Though Invisalign and a brace serve the purpose of aligning the teeth to perfection there is a world of difference between the two. As the name suggests, the Invisalign, though uses the same principle of the brace, is totally invisible pertaining to its transparent material and blend invariably with your teeth making it almost impossible for another person apart from you to recognize its presence.

Who can ‘Invisalign’ my teeth?

As already mentioned, Invisalign is the most sought after orthodontic braces treatment for adults because of the flawless smiles it has given to numerous people. A lot of Invisalign dentists in and around Fremont are providing treatments for dental issues and hence it is easy to identify a dentist in Fremont city who can you put back your flawless smile on!